The Council

Original Nomads
3 min readMay 12, 2022

Ryker awakes on the seashore, covered in a grimy layer of sweat, sand, and rocky sediment. His wooden boat rests ashore beside him, creaking in the now-evening breeze.

Ryker is in a daze, but it is unlike the transcendent feeling in the mist before. It is like he’s been hit in the head, hard — and has become forgetful though, instead of the cloudy fog of concussion, an idea, a piece of knowledge has been gifted to him. A new land. Beyond the previously unnavigable sea. The land of Web3.

The single Nymerian, all alone on the beach, leaps up from his granular resting place — the haze lifted — and quickly makes his way back to Nymeria


An audience with The Elders is no small feat. Ryker knows this and the gravity of his situation is becoming more apparent as he looks over upon the Elder’s guards who encircle the Elder’s Council Room. Their sturdy steel armor glistens in the daylight. Their helmets completely cover their faces, masking any possible semblance of uncertainty and doubt. These are men and women of conviction.

Ryker feels a knot winding in his throat at the sight of them but this bolt of nerves personified is hastily dealt with as he breathes slowly in and out. Never in his life had he had a chance to meet with the Legendary figures — The Elders — and he will strive to look past their grandeur to convey the potential that his newfound knowledge has for Nymeria’s continued opulence.

Like a form of art, the guards encircling the entrance to the Council Room break their stance and simultaneously move to each side of the door — the great oak entrance slides open. It is time to meet The Elders.

Ryker steps slowly forward, trodding towards what could be the most influential assembly he will ever be a part of. He steps through the entrance and is greeted by Nymeria’s Sigil — a wolf stylized in a traditional Nymerian art form that has been engraved on the ground in an earthly gold tone. Surrounding the sigil are The Six Elders — the famed leaders and founders of Nymeria. Ryker stands on the sigil respectfully, waiting for a prompt from one of the Elders to begin his account of his latest fishing experience.

“They say you found an Ancient Rune. Speak”.

The voice is harrowing. Sharp, stern, and acutely astute. Though, there is an undertone present in the two short sentences. An undertone of inert curiosity,

Ryker begins to tell the Elders everything. Of his life as a fisherman. Of his lust for finding the Emerald Fish. Of the mysterious mist, and its accompanying daze. Of the Ancient Runes. And of the newfound knowledge of a vast new land; of Web3.

He explains what he felt upon waking up on the beach. How the Ancient Rune had implanted a map within his mind — he knew he could reach this sprawling new world in a similar way that a pigeon always finds a home. The Ancient Rune had bestowed a homing signal upon him, in the form of an intricate symbol.

The Rune also gave Ryker knowledge of the land; Web3. It showcased how the land is populated by a large array of distinct communities, all interacting with each other in their own recognizable ways. These communities utilized technologies that seemed like magic, employed art forms worthy of copious praise, and structured their societies upon providing coherent value to their members.

The potential of the land beyond the seas seems limitless, and as The Elders sit listening to Ryker harp passionately about his mystical encounter, the curious fervor of Nymeria makes itself apparent;

“You may venture forth with six of the greatest Nomads. Use Nymeria’s fastest ships. Find this place. Connect with the local people. Gather information and resources. Then return to us. This expedition may allow Nymeria to prosper more than any of us can fathom.”

Ryker’s lips purse upwards in a grateful smile. A jovial wave of warmth swept through his body. He had done it. The Elders were convinced. It was time for him to become a Nomad.



Original Nomads

An NFT collection built for interoperability, utility, and community 🐺 Wandering through the Metaverse 🏴