Our Goal with Discord

Original Nomads
2 min readMay 27, 2022

I’ve met a lot of great people through discord. The entire founding team I met through discord. When I was still in law school, I met a practicing corporate lawyer (“Bob”) that would regularly help me throughout the 1L process. I’ve met countless others that have helped me specific to the Web3 space. These types of connections are the true cornerstone of what discord is meant to be, at least relative to the NFT space.

NFT projects use discord as a way to curate a community, but regularly their scope is too macro; they forget about the individuals. From a macro view, the sentiment of discord being extremely active is great; when you narrow it down, individuals are not connecting in meaningful ways. Engage just to engage, be active just to be active — whatever it takes to get noticed.

Our goal is to return back to the premise of using discord in the NFT space to truly build out a community. When I met Bob, we connected through genuine interest in each other’s lives. This is the atmosphere we want to create with our discord, a collection of people interested in learning more about each other and adding real value to others’ lives, using our project as a catalyst.

This is why we’ve structured our Allowlist the way we have (read more about our Allowlist structure in our “Allowlist System” blog). If you either don’t have the time to have real conversations with people or simply don’t want to, that’s fine. There are other avenues we’ve created for you to engage with the broader community and our project to earn an Allowlist spot. Just remember that the true value of the NFT space is in the connections you build.

I’ll be there learning more about the individuals that make up our community. I hope you’ll be a part of the conversation.

See you there,




Original Nomads

An NFT collection built for interoperability, utility, and community 🐺 Wandering through the Metaverse 🏴